Job Descriptions
We recommend that as soon as one considers running or allowing their name to be placed in nomination, they consider who shall chair each committee. Choosing a strong chairman for each is essential. These can be announced at the Annual Meeting when the President takes office.
The President shall communicate with each chairman, outlining their duties and deadline dates
The Treasurer should have received the membership forms by then (a month or so before the Annual Meeting). These forms indicate who is willing to serve and who is willing to host. The President can use these as a guideline for choosing the committees and meeting locations.
These people should receive priority.
Determine the meeting schedule dates and time are set by the By-Laws
Locations can be chosen by joint conversations between the Candidate/President and prospective host, utilizing the membership forms.
The host should inform the President ASAP of the specific restaurant.
Shortly after the election, the President shall write a letter to the membership, outlining his/her agenda, the election of Officers, the selection of Committee Chairs and Members, the dates;. time, place (including restaurants, if possible) of meetings, and the program topics.
The President shall outline any of his/her long-term plans for the organization during the year at the Annual Meeting and in this first letter.
The President shall work with the Treasurer to ensure there are sufficient amounts of speaker gifts (the paperweights). Gavel charms are available only for the President.
The President and Secretary should work together to develop a system to welcome new members. Upon notification, a letter should be sent welcoming and outlining the President’s program, a telephone directory, and a By-Laws book.
The By-Laws require that an announcement of the election and the annual meeting shall be given to the membership. The President shall work with the Secretary and with the By-Laws Chairperson to determine what notices are needed.
The President shall request an annual report from all Officers and Committee Chairs and send it to the Year-Book Chair who will then prepare a booklet for the Annual Meeting.
Note: The President should work with the Secretary to develop the Agenda for the Annual Meeting… the Agenda takes a different form for this meeting.
The President shall choose a recipient for the Presidential Award according to the guidelines and announce this at the Annual Meeting. He/she should obtain a plaque (at CIMCO’s expense) to honor the recipient.
The President often gives a gift to the officers for their service
The President shall prepare an annual report for inclusion into the Annual Meeting Booklet.
The Vice President’s role is largely a learning and advisory role. The President and Vice President can work together regarding the selection of committees and meeting locations.
The Vice President shall be the Publicity Chairman. (Amended 10/98)
The Vice President should obtain a plaque at CIMCO’s expense to honor the President’s service and should present this along with a gavel charm at the Annual Meeting. (gavel charms are ordered by the Treasurer)
The Vice President shall prepare an annual report for inclusion into the Annual Meeting Booklet
The Secretary shall work with the President and the host(s) to determine the location and program topic of each meeting.
The Secretary shall send out notices of each meeting to the membership at least three weeks in advance; including the details of the meeting…location, time, date, restaurant, topic, speaker, if available. A location map should also be included and a copy of the minutes of the previous meeting.
The Secretary shall keep a record of each meeting. Minutes should be sent to the membership with each meeting notice. The Secretary shall prepare a final copy for inclusion into the bound book and obtain the signature of the President after the minutes are approved.
The Secretary shall prepare and send all official notices of the election of officers, special meetings and shall coordinate with the By-Laws Chairperson how any official notices for By-Law amendment shall be prepared and sent to the membership. Notification of proposed by-law amendments and notices of possible adoption is very important.
The Secretary shall prepare an annual report for inclusion into the Annual Meeting Booklet
Note: The President should work with the Secretary to develop the Agenda for the Annual Meeting
…the Agenda takes a different form for this meeting.
The Treasurer shall receive all membership dues and other revenues for the organization and deposit them promptly.
The Treasurer shall write checks for all expenditures of the Organization, including the Scholarship Awards.
The Treasurer shall prepare a membership list as soon after the Annual Meeting as practical and inform the President, Secretary, Membership Chair, Telephone Book Chair and Year-Book Chair Copies of the membership forms should be sent to those four so that everyone knows who will serve and who will host. The Telephone Book Chair needs to have addresses, phone and fax numbers, and email addresses and the Year-Book Chair needs to include this information in the Annual Meeting Booklet.
Note: The President shall work with the Treasurer to ensure there are sufficient amounts of speaker gifts (the paperweights) and gavel charms are available for the year.
The Treasurer should meet with the Auditing Committee within 30 days of the end of the fiscal year and provide them with the books. The Annual Audit Report would then be presented to the membership at the next available meeting, with the publication of the report in the next Annual Meeting Booklet. (revised 10/01)
The Treasurer issues notices of dues to the membership for the next year.
The Treasurer shall prepare an annual report for inclusion into the Annual Meeting Booklet.
The Chair should call a meeting, make recommendations and prepare the proper notices according to the current By-Laws. The By-Laws Chair would present the proposed amendments at a duly called meeting, with proper notice to the membership, and make a recommendation. The By laws Chair would then make new books and distribute if changes are adopted. New Books need not be printed if there are no changes; however, every new member should receive a copy of the By-Laws.
The By-Laws Chair does not submit an annual report; except if there is a proposed amendment to By-Laws or Standing Rules
The Auditing Committee is required to meet with the Treasurer within 30 days of the end of the fiscal year to audit the books. They should prepare a report for the next available meeting. The report should be sent to the Year-Book Chair for inclusion in the next year’s Annual Meeting booklet. (revised 10/01)
The Mentor Committee (3 members) should be responsible for providing a mechanism/procedure for new clerks to network with experienced clerks. (revised 10/00)
The Program Committee Chair shall immediately work with the committee (3 members) to set a program. Topics should be outlined and possible speakers should be contacted. Communication is essential between the President, Secretary and Telephone Directory Chair regarding topics and possible speakers. Determination of specific topics is more important than the speakers. Topics should be given to the membership in the Presidential Letter sent after the Annual Meeting, if possible. Speakers can be announced later, unless they are the draw, rather than the topic.
The Program Committee Chair shall prepare an annual report for inclusion into the Annual Meeting Booklet.
The Publicity Chair shall immediately send notices of election and appointment and the announcement of the Presidential Award Winner to the area newspapers (see list), the Mayor of each officer and Presidential Award Winner, and MCI’s TALK OF THE TOWNS. (See example letters and notices.)
The Publicity Chair shall prepare an annual report for inclusion into the Annual Meeting Booklet.
The Scholarship Chair determines which date the notice to apply needs to go to the membership and works with the President and Secretary to ensure that this date is met. (Publication of the application is recommended for the June meeting notice, with deadline sometime in July and then a vote in August.) The Committee accepts and analyzes the applicants and makes recommendations to the membership at the appropriate meeting (August). This needs to be on the Agenda. The Membership then needs to approve. The Treasurer issues the checks.
The Scholarship Committee Chair shall prepare an annual report for inclusion into the Annual Meeting Booklet.
The Chair (compiler) of the Telephone Book needs to receive copies of the submitted membership forms ASAP and update the current list.
In addition, the Chair (compiler) needs to work with the President and Program Chair to ascertain the current officers, list of committee chairs and members and the dates and locations of the meetings.
The book should be updated, printed and disseminated. If Booklets are completed, they can be taken to first meeting and then mailed out to remaining members.
The Year Book is compiled at the end of the year for the Annual Meeting. The President should request that Originals of Annual Reports from all the Officers and Chairmen be sent to the Year Book Chairman. The Chair prepares the book for the Annual Meeting. The Secretary should provide originals of agendas, Minutes, notices of election and proposed By-Law amendments to be included also. The agenda for the annual meeting is a bit different, see examples.
December 8, 1998
Updated August 2003